CHP Blogs

CHP Blogs

The Multiple Advantages of a Multilingual Curriculum

There have been a number of studies in recent years that suggest people who speak more than one language are in fact more intelligent. An article written by the New York Times highlights that learning multiple languages could improve cognitive skills beyond those related to language, which is a considerably different viewpoint than previously thought. Educators and researchers had considered a second language to be an obstruction that would distract ...
Cedar Hill Prep kids nuture digital habits

5 Ways Kids Can Nurture Healthy Digital Habits This Summer

How to keep screen time safe, fun, and meaningful. Jenn Horton on May 31, 2019 Brought to you by Messenger Kids Messenger Kids is a free video calling and messaging app that makes it easy for students to connect with friends and family on a tablet or smartphone. Parents approve contact lists and set usage allowances. Kids nurture relationships, have fun, and learn through embedded STEM and literacy activities. Check ...
Cedar Hill Prep parcc-terranova-ssat-etal-standardized-testing-in-nj

PARCC, TerraNova, SSAT, Standardized Testing In New Jersey

Most parents are confused about standardized tests. Trying to research and understand what standardized tests are all about is daunting. Taking it can be stressful for your child because the process seems opaque or unnecessary, or you may question the validity of these tests. You might also have a hard time keeping track of what the latest test is, when it is administered, and what assessment it is replacing. We ...

4 Facts Every New Jersey Parent Of Children With Dyslexia And Other Learning Disabilities Must Know

As a parent, it is sometimes hard to face the reality that your child has a learning disability. Maybe you have seen early signs (e.g., having a hard time recalling the names of shapes and colors), but simply chalked them up as the quirks of a developing pre-kindergartner. However, once the child lags behind any of his kindergarten peers in learning child has learning differences. You or other family members ...

1 in 5 Kids might have Dyslexia, but not all NJ School are Prepared

You might think that if someone is dyslexic, they see words and number sequences backwards. That’s not the case. It turns out a lot more New Jersey residents may have some form of this disability than you would ever suspect. “Science is showing between 10 to 20 percent of the population is dyslexic, or has some level of dyslexia,” said Liz Barnes, founder of Decoding Dyslexia New Jersey, a grassroots ...