Smart Watches in Schools – Boon or a Bane?

Preparatory School Near Pennsylvania, Preschool–8th Grade: Cedar Hill Preparatory School: blog-smart watches in school

Preparatory School Near Pennsylvania, Preschool–8th Grade: Cedar Hill Preparatory School: blog-smart watches in school

It’s true that cell phone and smartwatch usage have become a hot topic of discussion in recent years. Many parents opt for these high-tech devices to keep their children safe by tracking their location or managing their schedules. However, these devices have become more of a distraction than a help lately.

In early 2023, several schools in Australia and New Zealand announced a ban on smartphones and watches following research that pointed to an alarming number of students caught cheating or texting during class hours. According to an article posted on an Australia-based website, studies show Australians spend one-third of their day in front of screens, and for Americans, looking at screens occupies nearly half of their day. (1)

Additionally, research conducted by Pew Foundation shows that two-thirds of parents in the U.S. say parenting is harder today than 20 years ago, with many citing technologies like social media or smartphones as a reason. Despite parents getting their children to wear smartwatches for tracking and communication reasons, stories of students misusing devices on school premises have created a wave of concern among parents and educators. 

Smartwatches are marketed as gateway technology, but we now live in an era where technology makes users feel vulnerable more than ever, thereby leading to concerns about safety and privacy. 

Instances of students misusing smartwatches and the internet to cheat in exams have been discussed as a widespread issue across several schools and universities.  

You’re Being ‘Watch’ed 

Preparatory School Near Pennsylvania, Preschool–8th Grade: Cedar Hill Preparatory School: blog-smart watches in school

In today’s world, hackers often breach personal information, which is why a smartwatch for children, even with supposed ‘safe settings’, can create an open pathway for data leaks.

To keep a learning environment free from distractions, some schools have mandated that students leave their smartwatches and devices in their lockers.

School policies are crucial in creating a safe and focused learning environment free from distractions for all students.


  • GPS tracking is one of the most common reasons why parents choose to invest in smartwatches
  • Many education specialists rely on smartwatches in the classrooms as an educational tool


  • Affordability 
  • Health concerns from constant usage
  • Smartwatches with inbuilt cameras pose a security and privacy concern