
Early Childhood


Curriculum |  Physical Environment | Art | Music | World Language | Physical Education


Thank you for your interest in our Early Childhood Program at Cedar Hill Prep School. It is during the first years of life that children form attitudes about themselves, others, learning and the environment around them. These attitudes last a lifetime so we work very hard to find ways to help children develop positive ones.

Our core early childhood belief is that children learn best through play and play is the legitimate and genuine work of young children. When children are engaged in purposeful play, they are discovering, creating, improvising and expanding their learning. Our programs are structured so that children are active participants in their own development and learning. We observe and respond to our children and help support their current skills and help scaffold them to reach the next milestone in their developmental journey. Children are encouraged to collaborate and learn from each other in a positive way.

Cedar Hill Prep recognizes the importance of including cultural differences in all aspects of learning. We approach our teaching strategies with the cultural differences within our school.

To enhance our Early Childhood Education curriculum, the children attend classes taught by specialists.