A Guide to Effective Parent-Teacher Communication

CHP_Effective_Par-Teach_Comm.pngParent-Teacher communication is an important ingredient in the recipe for a child’s long-term academic success.

Communicate Often

A school’s annual or bi-annual Parent-Teacher conferences don’t have to be the only instances of parent-teacher communication over the course of the school year. One of the best ways for parents to improve their relationships with their children’s teachers (and by extension their understanding of how their children are faring in school) is by reaching out to teachers and staff.

Especially for children who may be facing issues – academic or otherwise – the sooner the lines of parent-teacher communication are opened, the better. It’s much easier for parents, teachers, and students to find the best solution for potential issues before they grow into full-blown problems.

Work With Teachers, Not Against Them

Depending on the situation at hand, parent- teacher miscommunication and misunderstanding are all too easy to achieve. During instances where miscommunication does occur, it can be difficult for one or both sides to refrain from taking a defensive stance. 

In most cases, the ability (of both parents and teachers) to be receptive instead or defensive is the best way to ensure that the child receives the attention and support that he or she needs. The ability to listen with an open mind and the child’s best interest in mind makes all the difference.

It’s important to remember that parents and teachers are on the same side. Both parties want the absolute best for the child. Both parties are dedicated to helping the child excel.

Stay Up To Date In School Affairs

Along with establishing strong lines of communication with teachers and staff, staying up to date with the schools affairs – both classroom and administrative affairs – is a great way for parents to stay involved in their children’s academic experience.

Now, it’s worth mentioning that “staying up to date in school affairs” doesn’t demand presence at every PTA/PTO meeting or school event. Staying up to date can be as simple as taking a regular glance at the school’s calendar, reading about school news via their website or blog, and – in 2015 – by following the school’s social media feed.


Parent-Teacher communication doesn’t have to be a mystery, nor does it have to be difficult. A combination of open-mindedness and a willingness to communicate with teachers and staff when the opportunity presents itself is all it takes.