Guided Imagery Activity

Kindergarteners read a book on being a good friend and one on dealing with feeling worried.  Afterwards, Kindergarteners completed a mini progressive relaxation activity catered to their age group.  They closed their eyes (as you can see in some pics below) and thought of a scene that made them feel calm and relaxed.  They talked about what they saw, felt, tasted, who was there with them, etc.  Putting themselves completely into the scene helped them enter a deep sense of relaxation.

Progressive relation was taught to some of the seventh graders and 3rd graders. Progressive muscle relaxation helps you recognize the difference between tension and relaxation in each of the major muscle groups.  Once you can really feel the difference between a tense muscle and a deeply relaxed one, you’ll be able to identify your chronic trouble spots and rid them of that tension.  Stress is something that is a part of all our lives. It’s impossible to completely avoid stress.  Fact is, mild to moderate amounts of stress can be good for you.  However too much stress can result in various problems. The third graders learned all different stressors and some situations that may cause one of us a great deal of stress, whereas may cause someone else very little stress.