The Human Project: Our Philosophy on Bullying

Bullying has been a hot topic throughout recent years with celebrities and lawmakers rallying behind the cause, calling for a change in the way we treat people, particularly in the classroom and on social media. 

At this point, it has become the standard for every school to have a bullying policy in place. These approaches range from the 3 Strikes Policy to the Zero Tolerance Policy where students will face suspension after any bullying has been reported.

Although the idea is to take a strict stance against bullying and send a clear message to children that this kind of negative behavior against their classmates will not be tolerated, Cedar Hill Prep is taking a different approach in terms of their anti-bullying protocol.

We call it the Human Project, and although we do not support students treating each other negatively, we strongly believe that each child is fundamentally good. At Cedar Hill Prep School, we encourage arbitration such that the Guidance Counselor, student arbitrators, and administration allow both parties to express their sides of the story.  This system has proved to be very constructive as it enables students to understand different perspectives and arrive at an amicable resolution. 

By doing this, not only are you providing the victim with an opportunity to explain why they felt bullied and what they need to move forward, but you are also getting to the root of what is causing the other party to be a bully. What exactly has caused them to act out?

Unfortunately In life there will always be bullies. We are proud to be teaching our kids to stand tall against this kind of behavior and handle their issues together.