Quiz: What Type Of Private School Fits Your Family?

Every family and every child is different. In some families, both parents work long hours to be able to provide their family with a higher standard of living. Some parents have high academic hopes for their youngsters, while others are more easy-going and just hope that their child is happy and will become a well-adjusted adult when he or she grows up. Others have special needs, such as learning disabilities or life-threatening allergies, that must be taken into account when looking for the right type of school. 

Kendall Park Private Day School

However, not all private schools are created equal. There are some schools that push the envelope in terms of academic rigor and state-of-the-art curriculums, while others focus on the development of the whole child. You will find private schools that emphasize STEM and technology, whereas others have outdoor recess three times a day and go hiking or camping to experience nature. 

So where is one supposed to start? How do you narrow down your choices? And once you’ve found some schools you would like to tour, what questions should you ask?

We hear you! Choosing the right private school is a very difficult and time-consuming task, and the burden of responsibility to make the right choice only gets bigger as your child grows. That is why we have compiled a fun, 10-question quiz for you to find out what exactly is important to you as a family and how that will translate into your school choices: 

After you have taken the quiz, you can download our free parent guide “What Questions Should You Ask To Find The Right Private School For Your Child?” below:

 Kendall Park Private Day School

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