Praying Mantis

Middle School Science

October Fun at recess for Middle School. While playing Gaga, the students noticed a very peculiar spectator. Student, student, what do you see? I see a Praying Mantis looking at me!  There on the ledge of the Gaga pit was a Praying Mantis. The moment brought the students all together to discuss why the back of the insect looks like a leaf, why the front legs have spiny, sticky things coming from them, and why the eyes have a tiny black dot.

As Mrs. Galiano nudged the mantis with a larger leaf to get it to show the students how it moved, students observed how it stuck to the wood and did not want to budge. The tiny spectator was as entertained by the students as they were with it. Praying Mantis, Praying Mantis, what do YOU see? 

Middle School Science