School Houses: Forging Character and Fueling Greatness

CHP School Houses: Cheroke Bears, Lenape Owls, Ramampo Falcons, Shawnee BeaversFor many children and parents, any mention of “school houses” conjures up Harry Potter-like images of distant boarding schools and decades (if not centuries) of competition and tradition. Fortunately for children and parents everywhere, a child no longer needs to attend one of those distant boarding schools in order to experience the benefits and culture of a school house system. In recent years, more and more day schools have come to recognize the incredible ability of school houses to foster comradery, shape outstanding character, and encourage greatness. 

What is a House System?

While most parents and students have an idea of what defines a House System, it never hurts to clarify: 

House systems began as a feature of traditional British boarding schools. Oftentimes, the individual houses referred to the dormitories to which each student was assigned. For contemporary House Systems, including CHP’s, house refers to the preestablished group of students to which each student is randomly assigned upon entering the school. Most programs are comprised of several houses. Regardless of which house a student ends up in, the purpose of the program is to provide students with meaningful experiences that promote school culture and spirit while celebrating both social and academic success.

Promoting Character: The Heart of the Program

For many House Systems, the heart the program lies in a set of principles; CHP is no exception. Oftentimes, a system’s code of conduct serves as the foundation of it’s ability to promote good character. At CHP, we’ve built our House System – and our school culture as a whole – around the following principles:

Respect – Give It To Get It.
Responsibility – You Can Do What We Must Do.
Trustworthiness – If You Want To Be Trusted You Have To Be Trustworthy.
Tolerance – Many People, One World.
Caring – Makes You A Better Person And The World Is A Better Place.
Diligence – Never, Never Give Up.
Citizenship – Do Your Share.
Fairness – Winning Fairly Is The Only Way To Win.
Courage – Conquers All.
Honesty – The Truth Is The Right Answer.

All ten of these principles are designed to guide students through their formative years and into young adulthood. Backed by the students and staff, each of these principles teaches students about the power, significance, and consequences of their actions. 

Promoting Greatness: The Significance of Leadership

Leadership is acknowledged by parents and educators everywhere as one of the most important elements of character. While a strong character is dependent upon other features, the ability to understand, develop, and appreciate leadership is invaluable. It’s key that students understand that the leadership values that shape their lives, affect the lives of others, and the world in which we all live.

The CHP House System emphasizes leadership by highlighting the following principles: 

  • Ethical Behavior – Do What’s Right, Not What’s Easy.
  • Act With Good Intentions – Consider What’s Best For The Greater Good Of All.
  • Integrity – Be Honest And Do What You Say You Are Going To Do.
  • Accountability – Take Ownership For The Choices You Make.
  • Excellence – Always Give 100%.
  • Service – Give Back / Lend A Helping Hand.
  • Live The Values Daily – Demonstrate Your Values Every Day.

For every school, its responsibility to its students is about more than academics. By creating a sense of community within the school between students and teachers, as well as outside of school among families and the community at large, it becomes possible for us to shape our future by helping our students become the capable and compassionate citizens of tomorrow.

Still interested in learning more about the House System and Cedar Hill Prep?