CHP News

CHP News

Preschool Thanksgiving Feast

Preschool children learned about the Pilgrims coming to America on the Mayflower and the Native Americans helping the Pilgrims grow crops and hunt to survive. The children dressed as Pilgrims and Native Americans as they celebrated their own Thanksgiving. The feast  included turkey, stuffing, corn, mixed vegetables, potatoes and of course, pumpkin and apple pie ...

Preschool Family Tradition Collage

The preschool class at Cedar Hill Prep learned the meaning of family traditions. Each child along with their parents, created a beautiful collage of their  individual family traditions. The students then described their pictured identifying the tradition and who celebrated with them ...

Kindergarten Celebrates Thanksgiving

The kindergarten children learned the true meaning of Thanksgiving. They learned why it was important for the pilgrims to risk their lives and set sail on the Mayflower in hopes of a better life and religious freedom. The Pilgrims faced many hardships but were saved by Native American friends like Squanto. Native Americans helped the Pilgrims by supplying them with seeds and food, teaching them about their new home, and by teaching them ...

Grade 5 Scientist

What does the game, Jenga have to do with Science? A lot! Students in Grade 5 Earth Science teamed up for a game of Jenga. As the pieces of the game were pulled out of their spots, the tower became unstable, regardless of the pieces being introduced back at a later time. Students made the connection to Ecosystems and the instability the smallest change causes to the system as a ...

CHP Middle School Conferences

Thank you to all the parents and students who came to the conferences for CHP Middle School. So many wonderful families braved the elements to discuss the learning process and student achievements with our middle school teachers. These student-led conferences brought together families, teachers, and the students, themselves so that the student saw the involvement everyone has to their success. Our students are our future. What a great investment ...