Student and Family BioBlitz 2017 

The American Littoral Society is hosting this year’s Student and Family BioBlitz 2017 at Sandy Hook On September 29, 2017. This 12-hour event starts at 10am on Friday September 29, 2017 and will conclude at 10pm on Friday September 29, 2017.

A BioBlitz is a biological inventory where volunteers work alongside scientists and expert naturalists to find and identify as many species as possible over a short time period. It is an opportunity to increase awareness of the diversity of organisms that exist within our park; to become more connected to our surroundings; to increase our understanding of biodiversity; to become empowered to protect the places and spaces where nature exists; and – most importantly – to have fun!! It’s a celebration and exploration of biodiversity!

 We are currently seeking Expert Scientists/ Naturalists and Students interested to volunteer! This is a day where parents and students get to help professional Environmental Scientists conduct surveys of species on our NJ shores. It is sure to be fun and is a great way to earn great community service hours. The best part is that it is a Friday when we are off from school!  So sign up with your family and friends, come on down!

Link to event and signup