CHP News

CHP News

Grade 2 Scientist

Second graders considered their interests after reading about scientists like Jacques Cousteau, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Jane Goodall.  They created illustrations depicting themselves as scientists ...

Grade 4 New School Year

The new school year has been bustling with excitement and activity in Grade 4! With a very full schedule, the students are amazed at how much they accomplish each day! Bravo! After capturing silhouettes of their hands with color, they proudly displayed their artistic creations outside the 4th grade classrooms ...

Pre-Kindergarten B Apple Week

Pre-Kindergarten B celebrated Apple Week with an apple taste-testing party! They spent the week learning about different kinds of apples, the colors of apples, how they grow, the parts of an apple, and Johnny Appleseed. Then they discussed various foods that can be made with apples or apple flavor! It was so much fun tasting new things! Much thanks to the parents who donated the treats! ...

Pre-Kindergarten Apple Tasting

With the Fall season upon us the Pre-Kindergarten children had so much fun taste testing apples. The children had to decide which color apple they liked best.  We documented the results which we then transferred onto a bar graph. Our class decided we like red apples the best ...

Grade 6 Science

Grade 6 Science class had some fun with sun, despite this rainy week.  These inquisitive minds were educated consumers for a variety of sunblock lotions. The investigative skills of these Middle School scientists analyzed medical information, price points, and advertising gimmicks on sunblock with varied SPFs, brands, and sizes. Do we have to play sports to wear Sports Sunblocks? Is there a significant difference between SPF30 and SPF50?  Is "#1 Choice ...