CHP News

CHP News

Grade 3 Poetry Day

On Tuesday May 1st, the 3rd graders had an amazing day of reciting poems by Jack Prelutsky and showing parents their poetry portfolios we worked on in our "3rd Grade Poetry Cafe."  The students wrote diamantes, cinquains, I Am Poems about themselves, acrostics, limericks, similes and metaphors.  These are all encompassing of a poetry unit we worked on for the last 2 months.  Great job 3rd grade!! ...

Poetry Day in the Lower School

What a beautiful day is was for our lower school children to recite poetry. Preschool through Kindergarten joined together in the multi-purpose room and amazed everyone with their beautiful poetry. Each class recited at least two poems. Some of the Kindergarten students volunteered to recite a poem on their own! ...

First and Second Grade celebrated Poetry Day at CHP

Each year, we look forward to the joy our students experience as they explore poetry and learn to appreciate this special literary genre. The children recited poems that they memorized to their families and classmates. First graders focused on poetry from throughout their curriculum, and second graders focused on poems around themes of nature and the seasons.  By reciting poetry, the children build public speaking skills and self confidence. In ...

Middle School Poetry Day

As the month of April came to a close, May rolled in on a glorious spring day…and with it Poetry Day.  Students in the Middle School practiced for a month to prepare for our poetry celebration. Students from grades 5 to 8 gathered in classrooms to share their chosen poems. A brief poet bio was followed by individual students presenting their poems.  Shared poems included works by: Shel Silverstein, Maya ...

Princeton-Blairstown Center

As part of CHP tradition, our 8th Grade Seniors went on an overnight trip to Princeton - Blairstown Center from April 27-28, 2018. Through outdoor activities consisting of hiking, canoeing and adventure courses, the program promotes community and helps students strengthen their creative problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership skills...all necessary for their future. It is a culminating program for our graduates. Like every year, this batch of 8th grade students enjoyed ...