CHP News

CHP News

Quiz: What Type Of Private School Fits Your Family?

Every family and every child is different. In some families, both parents work long hours to be able to provide their family with a higher standard of living. Some parents have high academic hopes for their youngsters, while others are more easy-going and just hope that their child is happy and will become a well-adjusted adult when he or she grows up. Others have special needs, such as learning disabilities ...

Millennials Prefer Small Private Schools For Their Children

As many of you know, my grown son went off to college last year. The other day, he shared with me that he sees a large deficit in problem solving skills and critical thinking skills on campus. He has noticed a great lack of an insatiable love for learning among his classmates. He mentioned that while most kids are really smart, there is a very apparent gap between those who ...

[Scientific Research] The Return on Investment of Early Private School Education

Education has always been considered a long-term investment by many people. Allocating resources for education (either for oneself or one's child) has historically proven to pay large dividends in terms of financial security and social status in the long run and is generally accepted as a direct benefit of being educated. Most often, when considering "investing" in an education, one immediately concludes it is at the collegiate level since it ...

How To Understand Your Child’s Standardized PARCC Scores

PARCC assessments have been a hot topic this school year. In addition to the usual conversations between parents, students, and educators, there have been several highly public news stories regarding New Jersey's standardized testing situation. With all of this discussion about and around PARCC assessments, it can be easy to get swept up in today's headlines. But the PARCC isn't all bad; it provides extremely useful data for schools (as ...

The End Goal Of Your Child’s Education Isn’t Proficiency — It’s Acquiring 21st-Century Survival Skills

The PARCC test and whether to allow one’s child to take the test or opt out of testing is an intense debate within the community. It is like opening Pandora’s box. Many find themselves in tense arguments and strong views. However, in my opinion, we need to step back and understand the big picture – which is – Do we know where our child is in comparison to his/her peers ...